Marching Spartan Volunteers
Parents, please sign up now to help. We cannot do this without you!
You will find all of the volunteer spots out there. We will update these spots as we go through the season. Please sign up for anything that you are able to do!
Notes from our Volunteer Coordinator – Laurin Eastling:
Things we need in the next few weeks:
You see on the sign up for July 22, that we have a few items we need donated:
- Cooling towels (there is a link to Amazon on the sign up)
- Gatorade (zero sugar preferable)
Please sign up for that if you are able to donate and send them in with your student on the first day of band camp.
- Rehearsal volunteer – We like to have a parent at the morning rehearsals for band camp while the band is outside. Rehearsal volunteers are there to help with the needs of individual students so the instructors can continue with the rest of the group. This spot runs from 8:00am to noon July 22-25 and July 29-August 1. Please sign up if you are able.
Other things:
- The band always needs drinks and snacks so please donate when you can. Here are some suggestions:
- cases of bottled water
- cases of gatorade (zero sugar preferable)
- snack food – individually wrapped crackers, granola bars, rice krispy treats, fruit snacks, etc
- candy – full size candy – chocolate, sour, etc
- We also provide the band with dinner before football games once school starts because there’s not much time to get home and eat before they have to be back to school for the game. So, you’ll see on the sign up starting August 23, that we need families to sign up to bring meals. Alternatively, you can donate money and we’ll handle getting the food.
- We have a lot of volunteer needs and we need parents that are willing to take ownership of the following areas. So, if you are interested please let me know ASAP:
- Volunteer Coordinator – If there are any freshman or sophomore parents that are interested in learning the ropes with me this year and can take over from me after my son graduates, that would really be great!!
- Uniforms – I can teach you all of this and I can get you volunteers to help you – Uniform fitting, keeping track of the uniform numbers in a spreadsheet, getting the uniforms organized in the garment bags on the rack, fitting and numbering hats, pressing, making sure the students know how to properly hang up their uniforms and making sure they do it! The hems are all done with snaps, so you do not have to be able to sew for this job.
- Food – The parent that has been handling the food the last few years is unable to coordinate it this year. So, we really need someone who is willing to organize this. We feed the band before football games and competitions and we provide drinks and snacks during 3rd quarter of football games. This job is just making sure we have donations or letting me know what we need to ask for and coordinating with anyone who has volunteered to provide the meal before the football games. It doesn’t mean you have to provide the food, it’s just about organizing and coordinating.
- Bus driving – We have one parent that has his CDL license and can drive the activity bus but we really need at least one more. Again, that one parent that we have has a Senior, so we really need other parents to get their CDL and get involved so we have parents that can do this in the future.
- Trailer pulling – Robbie Watt does this most of the time, but if he’s not available, we need a backup!
- Pit Crew – This is the group that makes sure we know what needs to go to away games and competitions and makes sure it gets loaded on the trailer and onto the field at competitions.
Please remember to register with the WSFCS Volunteer Site after August 1:
It is very important for accountability and liability that each person who plans to volunteer in any capacity in the WS/FC School System register on the school system’s website. This annual registration will cover you for all your Mount Tabor volunteering (and any other school you choose). It is remarkably fast and easy to use. If you registered last year, it’s even faster and easier!